Saturday, April 27, 2013

Internet Scope

Make the difference I say
I say is it the fact that my love
Is on a sleeve why when you
Look in my eyes and I look in yours you can't breath
I say the world is ours and you agree in silence relaying the message to me in my mind
I say make my earth grow water it down you hold the key I desired for life now
your my survival heart
My social, my share, my half that disappeared, blue diamond, white pure, my longtime hope for a cure
Sure time and distance can trouble a lot I say pick out a place ill dream there non stop
My mind said done, my heart said "are you crazy GET HER!" my love maker pum pum smasher said "you said 26 and married until your going to have another baby"
You said "no forget it don't waste your time with me" I say "waste? Are you crazy this is who I waited so ever patiently all my life to see"
You Lilly let me be your frog that rides thru your releases of the waters on you all day and night long
Cruising thru your paths that's both now ours for hours and hours and hours your spirit said God sent me to you we can talk forever even after we meet on that final hour but we've been talking in spirit creating life for what it is now talk about the future
I know we both see clairvoyance and its clear we on another level of thoughts and visions look how we simply crossed dimensions
Time made us traveling made schedules you challenged me without ever saying whatever and even when you did we both heard of wings you can fly with me or we could fly together
It was no aleatory of how significant we occurred to meet and know each other
One person that could've read my mind in this time thru deity understandings that I could actually say would be the one it's like you had a computer at your finger tips with intelligence to read anyone's mind but I think we're far from stupid and we know its going to be a matter of time before we can both gently say "Dear Internet scope you're finally mines, psychically". Literally my mind has thought of you since and after the first time we laid eyes thru screens How could you hate this non abrasive way of mental inner world escaping our Consciousness eyes Striving both our minds to our ways of time that are not of bad but good or is it you want to wait of how it is to be truly like the process of making a movie
Thru contemplation you asked and received it took a lot to get us both to each other thru the cosmogony
For we believe in the deism of life yes we are deities of life making the wind howl with our minds how? We know that's our show who else needs to know our ways that we created of the dharma
You've successfully become my enlightenment the one I don't argue or fight with it thru spirit I can understand and write with thru touch screens you say don't go thru I guess that's why everyday I challenge you politely
You are my entheogen goddess yes it's that obvious it's really meant for me and you to be in office but were just letting Obama and Michelle get it tip topped and polished for our epiphany
Sharing with you my eschatology dreams and how we firmed in our team duo yes it was a dream nothing made at up the moment to be of make believe
Our enteral return will show a vision that thru esoteric journeys we face together that just us both learned guru or god I am I guru or goddess you are you for your inner peace ill tell and give you integrity times two infinite and beyond because we Formed our japa from years ago and generations before we're just reuniting the way from the future isn't hasn't been done before I say it's the karma of love that could be said in different ways but you're right who'd say love didn't have a better way so in your heeded words I obey for your command will lead the way you reminded me the meaning of life that others were yet to of known and still won't ever know is it our faults no we just know how this is to go so thrust and lift us both vice versa thru your next time of meditation and spiritual preparation with the minds eye I say nasma shall be her name indeed I say and we shall show her the proper ways to not do the same that we did along the way because we had to or had less of a choice to voice thru as we depict the new age of its unfortunate ways we will show many others of these new age ways that is righteously made for our days nondualism is what we go thru oneness is what've showed to each other on a plane of cosmology and prophecy of things that are in reality right now we can't change because we see a much different way in reincarnation inside of religious ecstasy so thru these seven virtues I show you I owe you what others failed to rightfully show you of the spiritual evolution we have forecasted for the universes weather here is your latest of your on my mind all the time news brought to you for you

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Difference In Because

         Once you start doing what’s best for you everybody is either with you, against you or say’s you think you’re to good! A percentage of humans still fail to commonly realize none of us are Siamese twins and the ones that are still eventually learn to have different understandings on life. Understanding the trend of oneself is what takes the mindset past thinking less of oneself. Remembering what is daily important is what gets your life going on a maximum level of the word, because.  People that are not for the better of your finical or personal business always want to know what are you doing. When really it’s none of their business unless they are contributing towards your because purposes. Not to sound rude or ignorant but doesn’t that seem a little backwards to want to slow somebody else’s time down for your want of because knowledge? To also add leaving yourself stuck to waste your own time, you’re not accomplishing anything by doing such actions.  On the contrary the only thing that has enhanced in doing so is literally the power of, nothing.

         One thing I always see and truly despise is the action of doing nothing. What’s even worse is that individuals that are doing nothing will begin to drag other people inside their loop of doing nothing. How ignorant is that? They make it look like they are helping that individual, making it look like they are more successful when really they have been stuck in life, their entire life. Being strong minded and shunning away from individuals that will complicate your self-personal goals & tasks in life is what causes, fear. The number one thing that individuals fear is losing points of popularity, coolness and respect from friends. Worrying about being made fun of or talked about is what causes these fears. Here is the best few tips for these solutions. Real friends will encourage & support your different terms of likes and interests. When losing friends becomes a factor, new friends with the same interests will begin to attract to you!

                           We tend to grow around people that we just learn to know and from. Humans learn from imitating, they see one thing that works for a person and figure hey that can work for me to. Well make sure you’re entirely the best at it in a unique way. One thing you mainly want to do is be around people that are doing something positive and productive with themselves. Realizing how easy the power of nothing is to have, defines how easy it is to lose out on time. Putting more power into nothing creates a larger gap then before when it comes to moving forward. Instead of the next time you want to know what somebody else is doing, use this powerful question. How can I help myself in what I’m doing? Here’s powerful another question instead of being in someone’s business to ruin their start. How can I help them in what they are doing? That’s a different approach that 100% of society should take, eh or at least half to sixty-five to 75%. It would make a much stronger difference in life.

~ Opinions start to change the world for one reason, it possibly makes sense~
Paris White ~ Love Success

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Random Note Scrolls Pt.1

No matter what it is I shut it down go ahead pick the occupation my demonstration is outstanding imagine when I understand it leaving competition underhanded its my dimension do you understand it seeing what I'm planning no you don't no you can't I'm on that boat floating on rivers in the sky catching this air all I need is everything fair right here and square idk if your prepared you can watch me make millions or thousands and you'll still never know what I'm doing or how I do it I can't tell that's my law I would take to hell if I didn't make it to heaven my lifestyle eccentric authentic official demented my responses endless my timings progressive I'm to far in the lead that's why I keep on winning I shut it down ask anyone I do no pretending unless I am acting and that's for transactions I'm adding even when I'm subtracting
Blessed and God Given

Intellectual Lair Doors

Your journeys are appreciated.

Fact is girls ain't nothing but trouble. They shake a little ass, hide their true identity/self and if a guy is dumb enough they'll get suckered in to believing everything this chick says. I don't know why they use this for entertainment but fact says it that they actually have the power to read the minds of men and that's one thing that can always agree on as women. Not only that a lot of you weak minded men will do anything for some pussy. Fools like you that put the importance of pussy and money together as far as anything illegal for money to just pay a girl for some pussy come on you've got to be kidding me youth.

All my thoughts are theories I don't research. A good majority of these topics I just think up. Hell I haven't even watched movies in the umm last see last five years or so. Guarantee my mind made them up though. Oh yes I forgot to tell what exactly I mastered. I mastered how to control the universe, unfortunately some of my thoughts really didn't need to occur. One thing I don't control is my dreams based on what I see once I go to sleep. The most I can control with my dreams is while I'm sleeping that I can control them. The first night I I turned up and felt the bass in my dreams, I knew I reached heaven and had mastered hell.

Legend says it that the devil was an angel before he was sent and given earth. According to our zodiac signs the Virgo owns the earth as there planet or element? You get the drift, read. What on earth could the devil literally do? Well for starters he can challenge the hell out of trillions-billions of people to be born soon on their faith in God. How does he do this? Easy he thinks of a bunch of inventions and things that can tempt the human to do. Remember he challenged God first God didn't challenge him first you obviously need and better be doing something amazingly extravagant.

So out of being the devils advocate if I were the devil I would create things people are just stupid enough to not understand. Don't take this personal but this is how a set class actually think and lie to the world. I'm giving you the cold fair truth, welcome to the doors of the intellectual lair. By creating this items what I would do is create another reason they need something in order need these items. Lets use money and a table for an example. Can't you eat with your plate in your hands, cup on the floor and you sitting on a chair? You didn't really need that table after all but the world has projected that to you that yes you do. Now don't go being stupid flipping and breaking your table or getting rid of it throwing it out the window of a 30story building or such. Please have the common sense not to do anything stupid, if you need some common sense answers make a list and ask Steve Harvey or Dr. Phil they'll both look at you like your an idiot if you are one.

Point is that devil lives on this earth and all he has done has made the obstacles. Ok it's your choice as people to do the right thing and say NO! Watch Friday and Mr. Weatherspoon expresses the word greatly. Have a nice intelligent genius day and God bless.

Paris White ~ Love Success

Master Something Not Money

I remember when I wanted to become a master at something. I knew it would be easy at times and difficult the other times. No matter what, I trained myself at, I practiced at it, I analyzed over it and I blandly made choices that were of good & some that were bad. When you Master something you usually don't explain why or how you got to exactly master what you did. Majority of the times you speak of it ambiguously in order to give others steps into how they can purposely be lead into making master decisions.

Do what we do but I'm my own master in my own universe so I can only speak for myself. What I've tend notice is that sometimes we are put in the wrong places for the right reasons. Theres some type of purpose that we serve in every environment we are placed in. That usually is for us to later to advance from. It's usually up to you to find out the sacred moments that is to be taken and given to you.

I told myself the main challenge was to sink the bad by overweighing them with good choices to make. The fact was that I needed more good people in order for it to work for me or at least one. All it takes is one person to make a difference, one person to make a change. Alone, just imagine what two people can do then if it only takes two people to make a change. I'm sure your already understanding why you sent it by now. I was able to face the facts that this was going to be challenging. Did I back out of it ever, you can bet the worlds safety on it I stuck to my goal and never gave up. A last I worked until I reached the level of the British cake, pancakes was left to achieve. It's a honor to get pancakes in the UK!

I heard anyways once I reached a level that I remember looking back on and seeing the experiment, experience then comparing yours to another, you find out amazing facts. It's called a mutual communication or empathy which takes time to keep sharing about. When you do it all alone it's going to be a experience that's wonderful and beautiful. Reason being when you start to master something all alone, you become one with your inner-self. Because all you'll be doing is keep telling yourself, to do while others tell you how much they hate to do what they do. The key to this success depends on you don't end up being a master that's lonely forever you'll never fully perfect and complete yourself without your other half.

Paris White ~ Love Success

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Five Ways To Love Yourself

There was a time months ago in December of 2012 I wasn't properly loving myself, although all the work I had put in myself to love myself over the years. That's when I started to love myself.

One thing I noticed about myself is that when I tend to have doubts about my inner self or something it turns sour. So I decided to always love myself this way I can always be very happy with myself as a person. There is just so much to appreciate about ourselves that we fail to realize sometimes. So I figured I write a blog about ways to love yourself from suggestions I seen and my own theories to put along with it.

One: when you love yourself don't ever let anyone take your pride of joy away. In life people tend to do this forgetting to see that there are some individuals who don't or think they love themselves when they don't. When this is done it conflicts on your personality because you are drawing their attention to you. So the best thing to do in this case is keep to yourself and around people that forever mean good to themselves. We are honored to honor ourselves and when we do its the best development of natural fulfillment.

Two: remind yourself that you are the best thing that has happened to you and you control your faith along with Gods guidance. Look in the mirror and remind yourself of your inner beauty.

Three: take time to appreciate life for everything it is. There may be times when you start thinking good positive thoughts you feel others may not want to know. It's ok write them down and share them on some sort of social media or blog even or with yourself or someone that matters to you that you know is your one. Only you can discourage yourself and hold yourself back.

Four: always make the right choices when it comes to carrying along with your day. What I mean about this is don't fight yourself, God or the universe. Let things flow, don't worry everything that means of good is going to be understood in the future.

Five: always find some time to take for yourself and collect good vibrations. Share them.

Texting :) :( ;-/

Text messages. Whoever invented the theory and invention to text they really should have worked out a few kinks. I mean seriously what if I accidently sent a message I didn’t want to send I should be more then able to take it back? Eh then again no, that would just make a world full of lies and accept the fact they can lie even more about anything. Yes, that might not be the best idea, your right. But what about those text messages when you forget a word and your girlfriend gets mad because she think’s you called her stupid? Now yes there should be a privilege for that, yes indeed. I don’t think you can truly understand how much of a needed tool that need’s to be.

                                    But yes then again, that might give liars more room to lie. Well not me, invent that thing because the instant a woman gets mad, and prepare for torture. She’s going to find some way to torture you, which is Okay as long as you love her. The thing about that is she knows that you love here, so expect to be tortured in some type of way. This is what I like to call the “Wait in Torture Cell Process”. It’s like being in jail and right now I’m just looking to get an OR. The moment you make it upstairs, you can bet your ass that you’re going to be getting tortured for days, weeks, months or years. Most married men try to blame marriage on the years thing, about that I think you just need to be happy you’re married instead of seeing a blame.

                                                            So moral of the story is watch, double-check and read what you text to your girlfriend, because whether or not you meant to intentionally send it or not. And depending on the words you sent, about that, it’s best that you find some way that you can duplicate your thought process to hers and wait, take action, listen and comply with whatever she may say. Also if you’re already not a sweetheart to your dear, you might want to already be. Be a man, you got this man!

Paris White ~ Love Success ~ Seven Star GV

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


#soulmates #love #future #God #life a flaw is beauty from your past soon to be enhanced. A flaw is what your partner knows and keeps to thyself until you share. A flaw is something that most of us have and ignorant folks use as an advantage to be little someone. A flaw is what I consider the best part of the beauty you. As long I know your flaws you will know mines. Flaws the secrets you keep between the inside of your walls and halls mind and all. Flaws what people stepped on you about as you crawled. Flaws ill love you and your flaws thru it all. Flaws you remember when you had a thought that made you say "I hate my flaws" I'm telling you I love your flaws and all. God wouldn't turn your flaws away, neither would I. Flaws I got those as well guess what I say to those oh well. Flaws I remember I hated mines to then I thought about everything they brought me thru. The embarrassment, self embarrassment, having to be tough, developing tough skin, teaching me how cruel the world really is, understanding my dreams and my visions were awaited on premonitions awaiting for me in the future to make the decision. The roll of being fearless, I remember when I was careless. Now I prepare for this. Everything in my life but yet still I keep hearing what's right but the same ones are the same ones struggling in life what's life? Life is what we live life is what we create, life is what two people makes. A woman and a man I give respect to a woman first because they're the ones who give birth and put us on this earth. A man yeah I'm a good man and in my past I made flaw choices but I made the choice to be a man, a good man even thru those wrong choices. I'm not perfect frankly know is nor can be. Listen my dear soulmate, I'm the good man that can be yours, wants to be yours, has to be yours that's what a soulmate is. Remember we said will find our soulmate we didn't even know each other, where we were at I think we would have searched for each other all across the map into space and back. Now look miles away from each other but we find ways to stay close yes we do and we do this with the strongest form of hope, no joke unless we laughing, smiling together in unison together is a check always worth cashing in spirit for more or saving thru eyes, mind, ears and pictures. I know for sure we both on the same page in the bible on some scripture. I'm saying at the end of Revaluations yes indeed at the end of revaluations were the God man and God woman and the child were in heaven upon a meeting/waiting. Love remember its patient...

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Is Sex The Answer?

Sex! Lets talk about sex, yes! Sex is what creates us ok. It does at least the last time I've checked. So what is it that creates us that involves sex? Good sex? The mind of wanting a baby, with ones electrodes reacting in a positive manner, when the others mind is in a negative manner which creates two negatives in the mix? Which creates a positive, simple basic algebra. The Positive outcome: a baby is born. Right, well of course that's even if the woman can have babies.

But here's the catch, that baby looks like the parents, regardless. Now I've heard how couples can start looking alike, favoring each other in facial features etc. those types of things are said about couples, after being with each other for a long time. I think it also has to do with the way the mind thinks of the partner. I'm sure it's one of the results on many people's minds as of to why this is so a talked about and liable topic to come up with. Also is it a myth, is it true, or is it just because we are all in the same bloodline? One thing that stands out about this is that we are in the same bloodline whether or not we want to admit it or not. Where else did we all multiply from!

I remember when I first had this thought I was in Giant Eagle where a good friend of mines worked at And had met his first partner who conceived his first baby for him. They had planned it which was a good thing which made it aware that yes they loved each other. Now this was my first time seeing her, I instantly said to him "Is that her?" He replied "yea", I asked him again "that's who your dating and having A kid by?", he replied "YES PARIS YES got damnit why?". I guess the general thought of something negative I might was going to bring up is what troubled his mind and asking the same question twice. I just was actually highly shocked. I simply replied, "you two look alike". I can't remember what exactly his reply was but we'll find out later in the near future. I want to say he said two things knowing him as well as I do. He either said "shutup Paris" or "you think so, somebody else said the same thing maybe it's because we both wear glasses".

So that's where the thought first started up that Sex, is what makes couples look a like. I'm sure there is some extra detailed genetic factors to this of big medical words I don't know anything about that can prove about this theory being more correct. Years went past I started seeing this factor resemble the same way in other couples. Even the women I would have sex with which I'm not saying I'm currently proud to express this in such a vague and broad way were starting to look like me. It baffled me strongly, I thought maybe I was tripping. I used to smoke marijuana so then I really sometimes thought it was just the weed, but I was always able to control the high. But then it was female after female I was doing it to was beginning to look like me! Now sadly and I feel totally horrible but I was immature back then and I can man up to that fact, I didn't want anything other then sex from them. A good majority of them started getting very emotionally attached to my style of being, smooth. Which I also used for easier access for sex and to make it more intense of course. Words can play a big role into actions believe me I know about it.

I then would notice that they would start talking like me, using words like me, they would be strongly attached to me trying their best to not show it but that's why they hated it. They knew at the time I was immature and mature enough to know I didn't want a relationship with them. Once again I'm not proud of this I'm just relaying to the topic. Yes I'm not perfect I've made mistakes, we all have, it's 2013 it's time we own up that yes we've either changed or want to change. Why you ask, because we all need to change to focus towards one thing and that's the fact that we need each other, period. Back to the topic at hand though.

So I just came up with this thought one day that I was putting my genes in these women. Crazy right! I had picked up a bible
One day which I always randomly do any time or anywhere I am not as him but I love and thank God for a thing little or big he does for me and others. As I was reading and flipping thru pages opening the bible to see what God wanted me to read. I came across it, talking about how we all need to wait until marriage to have sex. Then I told myself " I wish I was still a Virgin, I would be able to probably find a virgin woman and actually have waited until we got married to have sex, heck I would even enjoy the relationship better". Then my next thought was why is that. It says we must wait until marriage until we have sex? Why does it say in the bible we are all brothers and sisters? But it clearly says that we are not to fornicate family members? And I'm not sure how it is properly said but says that we are to pick one of these sisters to have for enternity.

Now it confused the living hell into me and brought the heavenly thoughts out of me. Although this became my thought and why I'm writing this blog at the current moment. "Maybe we are only to have one sexual partner because we have the same genes as our brothers and sisters and eventually the different genes we do have can intertwine into a mixture, creating us to begin to look like each other." I'm no scientist but I know that strong genetics will react with genetics that are of the same strength and power. Yes it brought me to a sudden pause myself because it made sense.

Sex is one very addicting, two healthy for the body once we get it we literally need it, three the outcome of why we look like our parents and posses traits of our parents is because why, they had sex and mixed sperm with fertile eggs, in other words DNA or genes. Then if a child can look like his parents wouldn't that mean his parents would have to start resulting into looking like each other? Yes! Of course it can be true it sounds so idiotic that its true.

It's genius genetics that our bodies become immune to things we have entered into our bodies. A couple may argue and fight because either they need to have sex with each other or maybe because there genetics aren't compatible with each other which brings it to cause tension between the two. This may make you look at your partner differently after reading this. You may come to realize you've been loving the wrong person this entire time. With that being said this can create compromising or even a different way of living. We may no longer have to literally fight, cry, engage within multiple sex partners, be hurt, remain single in any way shape or form any longer all because of genetics!

What if there was a way that they could separate these genetics my DNA samples, categorizing who we are good for and bad for? Would this create a better world of love, compassionate, relationships and married couples? Yes I believe so in it can. I mean after I had my child I seen a baby boom go on the rise to almost a epidemic. I couldn't believe how many females were getting pregnant. Was it sex they were finding or love ? I know this is a mixture of topics but lets think about this here.

Do you ever have a spiritual/mental connection with someone you have or haven't had sex with? You might and in that case could you say that the ones you haven't had sex with and engaged in this process with somebody else you had sex with, that they had sex with, that they had sex with, that they had sex with so on and so on resulted in the reason of your connection with this person. Also then again you could just be that spiritual of a person. This is only for a percentage of people everyone is not the same.

I want you thinking on this subject because I've always thought about it and it took two events in my life to make me write this. First one is that one of women out of my last few I had sex with we were mentally and spiritually connected it was harmonious to me. I felt I literally met my match, the thing was we were the same zodiac sign, years apart and three days apart. We argued so intense one time when we were done we were happy. No sex involved or nothing I believe we were texting. She eventually dogged me but hey karma bite me in the ass what could I say. But there was one thing she said that stood out to me after one time we had argued and she tried to over prove me. She said " my juices are in your veins your juices aren't in my veins" I didn't say it out loud but I had fell in love with her even more at the very moment for saying that. Because I remember when uneasily I was thinking to myself about how I was doing this to others. Fact is she was right, although they had strongly mixed so I actually snickered about it and told her the same has occurred to her. My body, intelligence everything all around had enhanced. Its weird but all of our body genes are made to eventually do this we just never know when exactly it's going to happen. I was beginning to pick up on reasons of her faults of love, similar actions of her began to be portrayed in a masculine way thru me, it was almost like a weird mutation but I didn't mind. It was from her genes and I knew it. There was even the way I took pictures that started to remind me of her and it freaked me out because I had just had gotten proof to my theory from years ago.

(In my Simon v.) Yes gentlemen if you can not control yourself you would totally start acting like a bitch from raw sexual inter course. So this is why they probably created condoms and never told us (Simone voice done). Ever noticed how a man reacts or argues like a woman with a woman he's either with or not with? This is the reason why he's been having raw sex and has gained some of her genes. Women think and are genetically defense, so they make sure to always put you in a defensive outcome and women across the world are going to hate me or love me for putting this secret out. Fact is that once you are being defensive she's got you right where she wants you. That's why it's always good to listen with your ears, heart and mind. Now I'm not a scientist but maybe I should be but then again maybe not I'd done made all types of crazy technologies. But my point here that I am getting at is that Sex makes you look a like. The main and final reason is that I was on Facebook and I seen a comment appear about how a couple looked alike. I made the comment about how sex is the cause and got some natural responses. Then looking at the couple they looked completely alike each other! I then got some responses after commenting about how it could make some sense. The one that commented how it could make some sense and the other female couple member basically said if I can prove this true she wants to know and how I would be a legend for figuring this out. Lets see the results.

Paris White ~ Love Success ~ SevenStarGV

To Win

You have to learn to win in advance. Most of us grow up believing that winning is automatic or generally just comes in good favor. Sometimes we win from a bad a outcome. For the most part we want our wins to come from all positive notions And actions. Failing from a positive success can lead to a win though sometimes, reason being you'll play thru those obstacles again.

In games a team has to play defense in order to win. Without playing defense how far do you really think they are going to get? Don't worry ill wait until you find a team that has ever won every game without playing defense.

When both teams are playing defense, both teams are destine for a win. It's all about who plays stronger, smarter, swifter and is striving for the win, more. Judge yourself as a winner first and the reasons why you're a winner. We have obstacles all the time, challenges and we over rise all of that. Would that stop you from going for a win? A challenge or because someone else is winning and there is countless amount of time on the clock?!

Not me and my family wouldn't allow that either. Im sure if I was playing with friends in a game they wouldn't want me to quit either. As long as I play to win without giving up they understand that I'm a winner. These are the same types of skills and attitude that I want to give you and make you develop. Everybody is a winner in the earth, there's not one person that isn't. The choice is literally yours to become one and choose to win.

How hard can it be to win you ask? Do this, ask a winner, I guarantee they'll tell you it's not easy. I also guarantee they'll tell you in order to win you have to play hard and work hard. Even the laziest winners had to as well as still work hard & play hard. Winning should be a definition you never take out of your vocabulary. Imagine being a loser, never mind that's not what were talking about are we? Winners, win even when they lose they look someone in the face, smile, laugh and still find enough room to say "I'm a winner". I know your a winner even though I don't know who you are reading this reason why, because you finished this last sentence. Thanks for being a winner and your welcome.

Friday, April 5, 2013

"Your Total Is $4.50"

~Studying My Dreams~

A little bit before midnight, I began to find it irritable to sit up and be on my laptop. So I figured I would lay down to shift my energy of thoughts within my body, put a instrumental on and dream. It's literally one of the best ways to just get your thoughts on another plane. I personally envision much when I just pick a energy that I want, the mood i want to be in and put that song of choice on and turn the volume all the way up.

I had a quite grasping day of business. I was up for hours on it or making phone calls, sending emails, doing math, etc. More of a self-gratification type of business day but in life what day isn't! Eventually I began to drift off into dreamland and I found myself in a business mind state, visually dreaming. I was finding myself talking with business owners about increasing their cash flow as usual. Most of the beginning of the dreams which are now vague to me, which brings me towards the ending of my dreams this morning of why I am making this blog.

I want everyone to understand the importance of your mind and your spirit. Simple as this, PROTECT THEM LIKE THEY ARE ABOUT TO DIE! Here's why I'm bringing this to existence around this hour. We're all familiar about how they say that 3am is supposedly satans hour, and how Jesus rises at 4am. Now get this they also say he's the art of confusion. So here's the ending part of my dream.

I'm in wilkinsburg which is a neighborhood here in Pittsburgh, PA for those that don't know. I was at the corner of swissvale & Ross but where a empty car lot is, in my dream there now is a store. The store was actually a surprising Size so as I analyzed the inside of the store I started to realize it was sort of run down looking, there wasn't many products but it had high potential to be almost a mini market, also could do good business. There was several fridge coolers, shelves, which literally looked like they were just fresh in business, well fresh in needing some work on the business. The place looked dirty, I never seen somewhere that was open for business that needed such a cleaning. I was astonished to be even in there, but where I see an opportunity to create and help a business thats a will waiting on a way.

Looking at their products I wanted to talk to the owner to help him increase productivity with improvement of the store. Simply to just increase his stock. There was a clerk who was a very pessimist fellow, old, gray hair with glasses, dirty beard, hands were filthy, almost felt like I was being serviced by a homeless man God forgive me. The owner had eventually stepped in but it seemed as though every time I was bringing myself around to say something to him, the clerk butted in stopping me from saying something to him, with his negative attitude upsetting the owner. Fact is nobody wants to talk about business when they are constantly being angered or upset. The owner had soon walked out and I missed the opportunity to talk with him.

Which of course had me in my mind thinking " why couldn't this clerk just kept his yap closed for a total of five minutes and did his job, not hassling his boss"? But hey that's life sometimes. Then the most unexpected event occurred between me and this clerk. I bought two honey buns and a ice tea so you figure the total would be about $3 and some change, even less. The total came up to $4.50! I looked at the price and the clerk and silently said, "unbelievable". They didn't have a card reader so I couldn't swipe my credit card and of course pay myself. I looked to see if I had cash on me which I did and had 50€ents in change. I had pulled out to much money so I placed the amount on the counter that I owed the clerk. This is where the devil within the clerk started to play his game of confusion.

As I put the extra money in my coat pocket, I slightly looked away although out of the corner of my eye, looking towards the clerk. He took the money up, placed my items in a bag and then said "your total is $4.50". Of course the first thought in my mind was "didn't this guy just take my money off the counter"? I simply replied "I just paid you the total" his response was " I just told you the total-" I instantly cut him and said "look sir I seen the total before you even told me, I just placed the money on the counter and you picked it up", his reply was "you pulled the money out and you put it back in your pocket", which I did do with the extra money. Now mind you I had just came back from out of town with my mom and my son which resulted in me having three huge duffel bags to carry. I really didn't have time for this mans issues. I calmly told him "I'm not paying you again" took my bag from the counter and walked out the store. He began to follow me of course then began to verbally scare him for I was being discretely protected at this point of time in my life due to the high worth of importance I had gained.

A red van which was of the people that protected me pulled up in the alleyway as I exited the store. They had noticed what had occurred and was unsure of what this person would do. I was clearly going to retrieve my mom and son who were around the corner. As he began to keep following me I told him, " those people in that van are going to get you" I signaled them not to hop out plus they knew I could hold my own up until they would respond if anything wrong were to occur. He became slightly startled and replied " those people don't know you" I replied as I
Continued to walk "you have no idea who I am or who I know, I advise you to stop following me". Once again he is pressing me
About this $4.50 he picked up, I simply told him " I am not paying you another $4.50 for a already outrageous price for two honey buns and a ice tea". So I figured he was going to soon attack me psychically which lead me to say "your going leave me alone all about getting knocked out over $4.50". As I stood at the corner waiting for my mom & son I seen him approaching me as I began to wake up.

When I woke up I realized it was 3am on the dot. What I'm getting at is that there truly is something within this time that is of pure evil, yes. The entire time I was dreaming I just kept feeling like something bad was about to happen. Luckily I awoke before it happened. My mind and spirit was in a psychological & spiritual ware fare. I went to dream and shift my energy to being prosperous, abundant, loving & trusting energy basically all positive energy. It became clear to see that as I was accomplishing all of those categories, confusion wanted to see different for me. Being that i woke up at 3am before something bad did happen. Moral of the blog is to just protect your mind and spirit, remain positive & most of all count your money as you pay for items.

Paris White ~ Love Success