Friday, April 5, 2013

"Your Total Is $4.50"

~Studying My Dreams~

A little bit before midnight, I began to find it irritable to sit up and be on my laptop. So I figured I would lay down to shift my energy of thoughts within my body, put a instrumental on and dream. It's literally one of the best ways to just get your thoughts on another plane. I personally envision much when I just pick a energy that I want, the mood i want to be in and put that song of choice on and turn the volume all the way up.

I had a quite grasping day of business. I was up for hours on it or making phone calls, sending emails, doing math, etc. More of a self-gratification type of business day but in life what day isn't! Eventually I began to drift off into dreamland and I found myself in a business mind state, visually dreaming. I was finding myself talking with business owners about increasing their cash flow as usual. Most of the beginning of the dreams which are now vague to me, which brings me towards the ending of my dreams this morning of why I am making this blog.

I want everyone to understand the importance of your mind and your spirit. Simple as this, PROTECT THEM LIKE THEY ARE ABOUT TO DIE! Here's why I'm bringing this to existence around this hour. We're all familiar about how they say that 3am is supposedly satans hour, and how Jesus rises at 4am. Now get this they also say he's the art of confusion. So here's the ending part of my dream.

I'm in wilkinsburg which is a neighborhood here in Pittsburgh, PA for those that don't know. I was at the corner of swissvale & Ross but where a empty car lot is, in my dream there now is a store. The store was actually a surprising Size so as I analyzed the inside of the store I started to realize it was sort of run down looking, there wasn't many products but it had high potential to be almost a mini market, also could do good business. There was several fridge coolers, shelves, which literally looked like they were just fresh in business, well fresh in needing some work on the business. The place looked dirty, I never seen somewhere that was open for business that needed such a cleaning. I was astonished to be even in there, but where I see an opportunity to create and help a business thats a will waiting on a way.

Looking at their products I wanted to talk to the owner to help him increase productivity with improvement of the store. Simply to just increase his stock. There was a clerk who was a very pessimist fellow, old, gray hair with glasses, dirty beard, hands were filthy, almost felt like I was being serviced by a homeless man God forgive me. The owner had eventually stepped in but it seemed as though every time I was bringing myself around to say something to him, the clerk butted in stopping me from saying something to him, with his negative attitude upsetting the owner. Fact is nobody wants to talk about business when they are constantly being angered or upset. The owner had soon walked out and I missed the opportunity to talk with him.

Which of course had me in my mind thinking " why couldn't this clerk just kept his yap closed for a total of five minutes and did his job, not hassling his boss"? But hey that's life sometimes. Then the most unexpected event occurred between me and this clerk. I bought two honey buns and a ice tea so you figure the total would be about $3 and some change, even less. The total came up to $4.50! I looked at the price and the clerk and silently said, "unbelievable". They didn't have a card reader so I couldn't swipe my credit card and of course pay myself. I looked to see if I had cash on me which I did and had 50€ents in change. I had pulled out to much money so I placed the amount on the counter that I owed the clerk. This is where the devil within the clerk started to play his game of confusion.

As I put the extra money in my coat pocket, I slightly looked away although out of the corner of my eye, looking towards the clerk. He took the money up, placed my items in a bag and then said "your total is $4.50". Of course the first thought in my mind was "didn't this guy just take my money off the counter"? I simply replied "I just paid you the total" his response was " I just told you the total-" I instantly cut him and said "look sir I seen the total before you even told me, I just placed the money on the counter and you picked it up", his reply was "you pulled the money out and you put it back in your pocket", which I did do with the extra money. Now mind you I had just came back from out of town with my mom and my son which resulted in me having three huge duffel bags to carry. I really didn't have time for this mans issues. I calmly told him "I'm not paying you again" took my bag from the counter and walked out the store. He began to follow me of course then began to verbally scare him for I was being discretely protected at this point of time in my life due to the high worth of importance I had gained.

A red van which was of the people that protected me pulled up in the alleyway as I exited the store. They had noticed what had occurred and was unsure of what this person would do. I was clearly going to retrieve my mom and son who were around the corner. As he began to keep following me I told him, " those people in that van are going to get you" I signaled them not to hop out plus they knew I could hold my own up until they would respond if anything wrong were to occur. He became slightly startled and replied " those people don't know you" I replied as I
Continued to walk "you have no idea who I am or who I know, I advise you to stop following me". Once again he is pressing me
About this $4.50 he picked up, I simply told him " I am not paying you another $4.50 for a already outrageous price for two honey buns and a ice tea". So I figured he was going to soon attack me psychically which lead me to say "your going leave me alone all about getting knocked out over $4.50". As I stood at the corner waiting for my mom & son I seen him approaching me as I began to wake up.

When I woke up I realized it was 3am on the dot. What I'm getting at is that there truly is something within this time that is of pure evil, yes. The entire time I was dreaming I just kept feeling like something bad was about to happen. Luckily I awoke before it happened. My mind and spirit was in a psychological & spiritual ware fare. I went to dream and shift my energy to being prosperous, abundant, loving & trusting energy basically all positive energy. It became clear to see that as I was accomplishing all of those categories, confusion wanted to see different for me. Being that i woke up at 3am before something bad did happen. Moral of the blog is to just protect your mind and spirit, remain positive & most of all count your money as you pay for items.

Paris White ~ Love Success

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