Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Difference In Because

         Once you start doing what’s best for you everybody is either with you, against you or say’s you think you’re to good! A percentage of humans still fail to commonly realize none of us are Siamese twins and the ones that are still eventually learn to have different understandings on life. Understanding the trend of oneself is what takes the mindset past thinking less of oneself. Remembering what is daily important is what gets your life going on a maximum level of the word, because.  People that are not for the better of your finical or personal business always want to know what are you doing. When really it’s none of their business unless they are contributing towards your because purposes. Not to sound rude or ignorant but doesn’t that seem a little backwards to want to slow somebody else’s time down for your want of because knowledge? To also add leaving yourself stuck to waste your own time, you’re not accomplishing anything by doing such actions.  On the contrary the only thing that has enhanced in doing so is literally the power of, nothing.

         One thing I always see and truly despise is the action of doing nothing. What’s even worse is that individuals that are doing nothing will begin to drag other people inside their loop of doing nothing. How ignorant is that? They make it look like they are helping that individual, making it look like they are more successful when really they have been stuck in life, their entire life. Being strong minded and shunning away from individuals that will complicate your self-personal goals & tasks in life is what causes, fear. The number one thing that individuals fear is losing points of popularity, coolness and respect from friends. Worrying about being made fun of or talked about is what causes these fears. Here is the best few tips for these solutions. Real friends will encourage & support your different terms of likes and interests. When losing friends becomes a factor, new friends with the same interests will begin to attract to you!

                           We tend to grow around people that we just learn to know and from. Humans learn from imitating, they see one thing that works for a person and figure hey that can work for me to. Well make sure you’re entirely the best at it in a unique way. One thing you mainly want to do is be around people that are doing something positive and productive with themselves. Realizing how easy the power of nothing is to have, defines how easy it is to lose out on time. Putting more power into nothing creates a larger gap then before when it comes to moving forward. Instead of the next time you want to know what somebody else is doing, use this powerful question. How can I help myself in what I’m doing? Here’s powerful another question instead of being in someone’s business to ruin their start. How can I help them in what they are doing? That’s a different approach that 100% of society should take, eh or at least half to sixty-five to 75%. It would make a much stronger difference in life.

~ Opinions start to change the world for one reason, it possibly makes sense~
Paris White ~ Love Success

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