Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Is Sex The Answer?

Sex! Lets talk about sex, yes! Sex is what creates us ok. It does at least the last time I've checked. So what is it that creates us that involves sex? Good sex? The mind of wanting a baby, with ones electrodes reacting in a positive manner, when the others mind is in a negative manner which creates two negatives in the mix? Which creates a positive, simple basic algebra. The Positive outcome: a baby is born. Right, well of course that's even if the woman can have babies.

But here's the catch, that baby looks like the parents, regardless. Now I've heard how couples can start looking alike, favoring each other in facial features etc. those types of things are said about couples, after being with each other for a long time. I think it also has to do with the way the mind thinks of the partner. I'm sure it's one of the results on many people's minds as of to why this is so a talked about and liable topic to come up with. Also is it a myth, is it true, or is it just because we are all in the same bloodline? One thing that stands out about this is that we are in the same bloodline whether or not we want to admit it or not. Where else did we all multiply from!

I remember when I first had this thought I was in Giant Eagle where a good friend of mines worked at And had met his first partner who conceived his first baby for him. They had planned it which was a good thing which made it aware that yes they loved each other. Now this was my first time seeing her, I instantly said to him "Is that her?" He replied "yea", I asked him again "that's who your dating and having A kid by?", he replied "YES PARIS YES got damnit why?". I guess the general thought of something negative I might was going to bring up is what troubled his mind and asking the same question twice. I just was actually highly shocked. I simply replied, "you two look alike". I can't remember what exactly his reply was but we'll find out later in the near future. I want to say he said two things knowing him as well as I do. He either said "shutup Paris" or "you think so, somebody else said the same thing maybe it's because we both wear glasses".

So that's where the thought first started up that Sex, is what makes couples look a like. I'm sure there is some extra detailed genetic factors to this of big medical words I don't know anything about that can prove about this theory being more correct. Years went past I started seeing this factor resemble the same way in other couples. Even the women I would have sex with which I'm not saying I'm currently proud to express this in such a vague and broad way were starting to look like me. It baffled me strongly, I thought maybe I was tripping. I used to smoke marijuana so then I really sometimes thought it was just the weed, but I was always able to control the high. But then it was female after female I was doing it to was beginning to look like me! Now sadly and I feel totally horrible but I was immature back then and I can man up to that fact, I didn't want anything other then sex from them. A good majority of them started getting very emotionally attached to my style of being, smooth. Which I also used for easier access for sex and to make it more intense of course. Words can play a big role into actions believe me I know about it.

I then would notice that they would start talking like me, using words like me, they would be strongly attached to me trying their best to not show it but that's why they hated it. They knew at the time I was immature and mature enough to know I didn't want a relationship with them. Once again I'm not proud of this I'm just relaying to the topic. Yes I'm not perfect I've made mistakes, we all have, it's 2013 it's time we own up that yes we've either changed or want to change. Why you ask, because we all need to change to focus towards one thing and that's the fact that we need each other, period. Back to the topic at hand though.

So I just came up with this thought one day that I was putting my genes in these women. Crazy right! I had picked up a bible
One day which I always randomly do any time or anywhere I am not as him but I love and thank God for a thing little or big he does for me and others. As I was reading and flipping thru pages opening the bible to see what God wanted me to read. I came across it, talking about how we all need to wait until marriage to have sex. Then I told myself " I wish I was still a Virgin, I would be able to probably find a virgin woman and actually have waited until we got married to have sex, heck I would even enjoy the relationship better". Then my next thought was why is that. It says we must wait until marriage until we have sex? Why does it say in the bible we are all brothers and sisters? But it clearly says that we are not to fornicate family members? And I'm not sure how it is properly said but says that we are to pick one of these sisters to have for enternity.

Now it confused the living hell into me and brought the heavenly thoughts out of me. Although this became my thought and why I'm writing this blog at the current moment. "Maybe we are only to have one sexual partner because we have the same genes as our brothers and sisters and eventually the different genes we do have can intertwine into a mixture, creating us to begin to look like each other." I'm no scientist but I know that strong genetics will react with genetics that are of the same strength and power. Yes it brought me to a sudden pause myself because it made sense.

Sex is one very addicting, two healthy for the body once we get it we literally need it, three the outcome of why we look like our parents and posses traits of our parents is because why, they had sex and mixed sperm with fertile eggs, in other words DNA or genes. Then if a child can look like his parents wouldn't that mean his parents would have to start resulting into looking like each other? Yes! Of course it can be true it sounds so idiotic that its true.

It's genius genetics that our bodies become immune to things we have entered into our bodies. A couple may argue and fight because either they need to have sex with each other or maybe because there genetics aren't compatible with each other which brings it to cause tension between the two. This may make you look at your partner differently after reading this. You may come to realize you've been loving the wrong person this entire time. With that being said this can create compromising or even a different way of living. We may no longer have to literally fight, cry, engage within multiple sex partners, be hurt, remain single in any way shape or form any longer all because of genetics!

What if there was a way that they could separate these genetics my DNA samples, categorizing who we are good for and bad for? Would this create a better world of love, compassionate, relationships and married couples? Yes I believe so in it can. I mean after I had my child I seen a baby boom go on the rise to almost a epidemic. I couldn't believe how many females were getting pregnant. Was it sex they were finding or love ? I know this is a mixture of topics but lets think about this here.

Do you ever have a spiritual/mental connection with someone you have or haven't had sex with? You might and in that case could you say that the ones you haven't had sex with and engaged in this process with somebody else you had sex with, that they had sex with, that they had sex with, that they had sex with so on and so on resulted in the reason of your connection with this person. Also then again you could just be that spiritual of a person. This is only for a percentage of people everyone is not the same.

I want you thinking on this subject because I've always thought about it and it took two events in my life to make me write this. First one is that one of women out of my last few I had sex with we were mentally and spiritually connected it was harmonious to me. I felt I literally met my match, the thing was we were the same zodiac sign, years apart and three days apart. We argued so intense one time when we were done we were happy. No sex involved or nothing I believe we were texting. She eventually dogged me but hey karma bite me in the ass what could I say. But there was one thing she said that stood out to me after one time we had argued and she tried to over prove me. She said " my juices are in your veins your juices aren't in my veins" I didn't say it out loud but I had fell in love with her even more at the very moment for saying that. Because I remember when uneasily I was thinking to myself about how I was doing this to others. Fact is she was right, although they had strongly mixed so I actually snickered about it and told her the same has occurred to her. My body, intelligence everything all around had enhanced. Its weird but all of our body genes are made to eventually do this we just never know when exactly it's going to happen. I was beginning to pick up on reasons of her faults of love, similar actions of her began to be portrayed in a masculine way thru me, it was almost like a weird mutation but I didn't mind. It was from her genes and I knew it. There was even the way I took pictures that started to remind me of her and it freaked me out because I had just had gotten proof to my theory from years ago.

(In my Simon v.) Yes gentlemen if you can not control yourself you would totally start acting like a bitch from raw sexual inter course. So this is why they probably created condoms and never told us (Simone voice done). Ever noticed how a man reacts or argues like a woman with a woman he's either with or not with? This is the reason why he's been having raw sex and has gained some of her genes. Women think and are genetically defense, so they make sure to always put you in a defensive outcome and women across the world are going to hate me or love me for putting this secret out. Fact is that once you are being defensive she's got you right where she wants you. That's why it's always good to listen with your ears, heart and mind. Now I'm not a scientist but maybe I should be but then again maybe not I'd done made all types of crazy technologies. But my point here that I am getting at is that Sex makes you look a like. The main and final reason is that I was on Facebook and I seen a comment appear about how a couple looked alike. I made the comment about how sex is the cause and got some natural responses. Then looking at the couple they looked completely alike each other! I then got some responses after commenting about how it could make some sense. The one that commented how it could make some sense and the other female couple member basically said if I can prove this true she wants to know and how I would be a legend for figuring this out. Lets see the results.

Paris White ~ Love Success ~ SevenStarGV

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