Thursday, April 18, 2013

Five Ways To Love Yourself

There was a time months ago in December of 2012 I wasn't properly loving myself, although all the work I had put in myself to love myself over the years. That's when I started to love myself.

One thing I noticed about myself is that when I tend to have doubts about my inner self or something it turns sour. So I decided to always love myself this way I can always be very happy with myself as a person. There is just so much to appreciate about ourselves that we fail to realize sometimes. So I figured I write a blog about ways to love yourself from suggestions I seen and my own theories to put along with it.

One: when you love yourself don't ever let anyone take your pride of joy away. In life people tend to do this forgetting to see that there are some individuals who don't or think they love themselves when they don't. When this is done it conflicts on your personality because you are drawing their attention to you. So the best thing to do in this case is keep to yourself and around people that forever mean good to themselves. We are honored to honor ourselves and when we do its the best development of natural fulfillment.

Two: remind yourself that you are the best thing that has happened to you and you control your faith along with Gods guidance. Look in the mirror and remind yourself of your inner beauty.

Three: take time to appreciate life for everything it is. There may be times when you start thinking good positive thoughts you feel others may not want to know. It's ok write them down and share them on some sort of social media or blog even or with yourself or someone that matters to you that you know is your one. Only you can discourage yourself and hold yourself back.

Four: always make the right choices when it comes to carrying along with your day. What I mean about this is don't fight yourself, God or the universe. Let things flow, don't worry everything that means of good is going to be understood in the future.

Five: always find some time to take for yourself and collect good vibrations. Share them.

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