Wednesday, March 5, 2014

"The Give UP"

Things I've given up for my success: Ready?

No phone bill, I use wifi this way I'll be able to be more productive while on the go. Yes, you might see me on the phone out and about but guess what? I don't walk around with wifi so what am I doing really?

In 2007-2008 I stop watching TV because I noticed that's all people talk about. The average a mercian will sit all day in front of the TV if they don't have to go to work, clean or cook.

I use to be in an environment of individuals that, all they did was smoke, talk about people, lie behind each others backs, judge people, hate people, just a bunch of pessimistic stuff. None of them really believed that, I wanted to go to school, learn and, really make movies. They laughed at the fact, that, I said it when I did, well not all of them.

I gave up going out to parties, clubs, events, etc. Why cause, while those individuals that, have the greater or as equal potential as me were there I was at home working, or socializing about my future in school. Which, resulted in my being able to have more ample productive and research time to myself.

I gave up on those individuals who were more concerned with being popular instead of building connections in higher places for better reasons. What I was really doing was giving up on people that, beguiled and didn't believe in me.

I gave up chances of actually having a girlfriend because I knew that, will slow my time down if she's not already steady minded and, as focused as I was.

I gave up time that I can never get back and, wish I could have back.

I gave myself to God most important.

I gave up being around people that, used, manipulated, and discouraged me or others.

I gave up hearing those around me as I went on through my day, not wanting to hear all of the multiple things, that, can clog and, help slowly mush one's mind. I replaced them with headphones.

I gave up on those that, discreetly gave up on themselves.

I gave up smoking weed cause it could have been me dead too.

I gave up things that, didn't matter to my spirit for things that, meant everything to my spirit, mind, soul and, body.


Because these were choices that, I made that, were holding me back from reaching and, gaining success. I'm on my way to top! Know That!

Ask yourself: What's holding you back from success? Yeah I know you think you've reached success but have you really? Ask yourself that, and comment. Bless bismillah.

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