I have not had my five minutes of outside to speak why I am grateful yet. That, video just humbled me even more. I always see individuals acting ridiculous with money on social media. I also see them speak about the positive things or negative things they have going on in their lives.
I always say "How do they want this positive life they keep deliberately saying they want this peaceful life etc. but in their pictures and statuses it's totally different?"
"Where are their minds at?" It's not even me judging it's me personally thinking that, they have no idea what they are personally doing to themselves. They still have a lot of growing to do. Mentally they are not fully stable, they may be financially or gloating in a way that, they are but yet still they're not realizing how blessed they truly are.
They have the opportunities, items and things I want not out of jealousy because jealousy is not anywhere in my spirit or body or heart or mind, it doesn't belong here inside of Paris White. But for myself, my growth, my progress, my drive, my ambition, my quest. But the one thing I always tell myself is "What is it that, I am not doing yet or have yet to do to finish this final step to get this door open for me?"
So I continue on, creating thoughts, doing what's needed, using my blessings as they come. Because I know that, there is something that, God wants me to figure out. There is something that, he has planned for me that, he is going to show through only me to others. But, I have to do it first. Right? In reality we are the same, because we both have no idea which, move of mines will be my big move. We have no idea, which direction it is that, God is going to say "Paris you have finally received what I wanted to give you."
So I can't wait, sit back, and, always depend on people. Let me repeat that, for me and you in context for both of us. I CAN NOT WAIT, SIT BACK, AND ALWAYS DEPEND ON PEOPLE. I must use the time I have on every blessing I GOT! Why? Cause I have another set of blessings to get after I use these ones.
I want you to be grateful for everything that, you have in your life. It's really a blessing. I want you to look where you are sitting right now and through both of your eyes scan your surroundings and see, everything you have to be grateful for and tell yourself why. Tell yourself why you are grateful for it. Tell yourself how it is a blessing to you. I washed clothes in a bucket ok because the washer is messed up and, I don't have quarters for washers to pay for right? But I have radiators here in my moms house, so guess what I am blessed and grateful to have a radiator that, my child's clothes are clean and dried in time for him to go to school tomorrow. Does he know that I did that? Nope, cause he was sleep 4-5 hours ago from the time I've done it.
I want you to know I am going somewhere that, will have me very successful. Those that, I begin to be blessed with along with that, success I am going to be thankful for that. Here's why. Because those are going to be the people that, God wants me around because they have that, same rich inner feeling as me in their spirit, heart and mind. They're optimistic, positive, persistent, ambitious, achievers, thrifters, lifters, grinders, dedicated, committed, solid aspirational people. Who they will become to me, friends, family, associates, mentors, mentee's I shall know when that, time comes and, as I feel that, glow above my crown area of my head, I know it shall be soon.
So I want you to remember something very important. Money is nothing but a tool. Money is nothing but a tool. Money is nothing but a tool. Money is nothing but a tool. Money is nothing but a tool. Money is nothing but a tool. Money is nothing but a tool. Please repeat that, to yourself out loud, the sentence I kindly and genuinely wrote 7 times. The tool bag we have is under the kitchen sink, when we need to fix something we go to the bag and, get a tool for the job. Use your tools wisely. Think richly. Think you have money for everything you need to fix. Think your rich enough spiritually, mentally, emotionally and, psychically to get the prosperous wants you want in your life.
Most important out of all this remember for those that, have kids you are doing it for your kids and their future, and their friends future. You're a image of who your kids may become. Do you want your kids to grow up like you? Please let that, deep thought sink into your brain right now.
Now think about everything about you that, you want your child or children to grow up and have of you or from you or know of you? Bottom line you want them to know that, you've done so much for them it's too specific to explain. For those that, were raised in a single home, love your mom or father. I love my mom. For those that, were raised in a both parent home, love both of your parents for showing you what you are to do in life. If things were the best growing up in your home, think right now at this moment is your life relating to it at the age your parents were at? That's right ask yourself how much time do you have and, what else more do I need to do for my life to be opposite to make things turn for the better?
Visualize it in your mind and, most important once you have the thought, think on the thought by believing in the thought and, finally FEEL THAT YOU ALREADY HAVE WHAT YOU THOUGHT! Yes, feel it accomplished successfully. Now what's next?
Have a great start on your next minute after reading this applying everything you just thought about changing about yourself, taking action and, discipling your behavior. #Bless...
#LoveSuccess ~ #ParisDWhite ~ #SevenStarGV
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