Sunday, October 13, 2013

"Black People Are..."

        Black ppl are judged by the color of our skin. The things we like on social media. The conversations we carry amongst others in public or on social media. The things we post on social media. The obscene actions we make. The activities we perform in public. The actions we make towards one another. The words we harmfully say about each other in music. The thoughts we never share about something that can help someone because we're afraid of the outcome or think we may know what will occur. Sometimes we just feel as though it's not black to do that. It's these things why black people are judged as unintelligent, rude, ill-mannered, uneducated, gangster or thugs. In other words, individuals that won't make it no where farther then their neighborhood in life. Sad isn't it? Yet still we find ways to create ways to make it out of the neighborhoods. 

Either illegally or legally. But most are looked upon the illegally side of it. Why is this some sort of foundation that we are always opposed to and never froze to? Who In this world said this is something that I wanted to be chose to? Cause I want to look that person in the face and ask them, why? Why are you trying to determine my life thru outlandish lies, why? When I was five to these facts I was color blind but to these facts I was already a factor of it to many others minds and y'all ain't even know what I was going to do with my life yet. There's no way that you think your just going to pull and drag me down this same line of generations that aren't even mines. Fine I'm not saying I'm perfect and never committed a crime but I've seen a partial amount of that side and I must say I am back to the side where I started. Yes, I went to a Catholic school so what is that not black? I wore slacks, shined my dress shoes, wore my socks up to my calves, had my tie on around my white collar and did it for three years plus due to transfers of different school but we ain't going to get into all of that which is eventually due. Then it was the moment of coming home I realized how much I was in a war zone with my own skin color. 

Mom raised me right even though I made choices but I'll always remembers those voices of mockery due to the clothes I wore for school compared to the clothes they wore for school. They thought I was thinking I was better than them. Mom wanted me to stay inside and be educated, I wanted to go outside and be like the other young black kids but they were also hanging around other black guys who were my age now at that time and wasn't doing nothing with their lives. Even in result the only time I learned to smile was when I laughed outside, you had to have a mean mug on to let it be known your a tough guy. Now that's common with all races and plenty faces. But we know a smile makes everything much more gracious and spacious for all the good that's being patient waiting for our faces. Although we were never taught to smile and that makes me say wow, how?

 Cause everyone else was willing to frown around, so that's all we ever seen around. We're not use to hearing much about a friend actually having both of their biological parents in their life so when we do we figure something's wrong with that, or envy was brought upon that child silently cause they all thought he or she will think they're better than everyone else. Because that child goes home to see both of their parents while the other goes home to a single parent. Compared to now sometimes it's even much worse than that. Drinking and smoking in front of kids for their whole lives that they live. Everyday & night, damn! How do you take care of your kids? Especially when you turning up every weekend celebrating your about to be broke again saying this is your way to relieve stress but you got a kid that can do that for you the best. Then you post on Instagram or Twitter or Facebook or one of the video medias about your time. If you looked back and didn't know yourself, where is your minds age level at? What exactly will you say about yourself? Why is that?

 Why is this so for black people not just in my city but every single where we can go and black people are there for sure? Why? And pardon my slang that may seem to niggerish for my intelligence they'll say, but hey I like to seem cool as well as not seem like no fool, is that cool with you? Worse thing is that black people are now judging black people, based on their options when they choose. Before when we dressed like the white boys do because it was professional and cool it was gay to dress the white the white boys do and totally uncool. Now look at what everybody is willing to do. Swag. She wants a gentleman not a thug. But you don't know what that means. I mean so what if I want to go school as in a college or university after high school and not do the same things that black people choose to do? Hang out daily on a porch, smoke a blunt, get high, call women out of their names, try to get five numbers of potential sex a day and by night in the streets toking their gun meaning holding their heat in their jeans. Naw no lie truth told that's not me I got a son to feed and future to provide. I'm working a 9-5 and attending college online, living at home with mom so you know I am all about doing right my whole life long. Or even this which is the killer of it all, wear my pants on my waist that they actually fit whether they be slim fit or skinny and be portrayed as gay! But by the way there's over a hundred black males sagging their pants in every neighborhood and don't know or do know if you do that in jail that considers and means your gay, yay?

 So how are we evolving? How are we solving problems? Fighting against each other saying just because I rep this gang I don't give a flying fuck about your brother I'll shoot that nugga! Really ? That's how you feel but you be the same one sharing sympathy when someone you know just got killed! Damn tell me how that feels? To know that your not real!? Your a puppet! Your a mask! Your a disguise your not even the person you was born to be cause you let everything bad but God get into your soul, heart, life and mind. You didn't even give it a try! Or a fight! You saw it was dead and didn't even give it life! But you had the option to make it breath forever with faith and hope, now that's no joke. But yet still you'll laugh, find it comical and unstylish when in all common reality, I wonder what it's like being white, cause I am going to be black my whole life. 

Paris White ~ Love Success ~ SevenStarGV

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