Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Latest Blog Of The Internationally Universal Committee

To be honest it has been more of a challenge the first few months, due to what we call getting your life together. I’ve also been doing what is clearly best for me at the moment and times in life that occurred. It’s not easy at all for the fact I had a son a year after high school and when it comes to funds and giving him my time he owed by me. I'm just coming to realization of something that I need to start, doing. Taking better care of my time management and take it one day at a time every week. When you do too much planning you over think the situation instead of just going with the flow. Life has all types of unexpected turns and happenings that we have to deal with or be trampled over on. Once I took notice to this I began to deal with the cards I was dealt with. It’s all in the universe, what we put into the universe with our thoughts is what makes what is going on in life all a dream or a vision or what we as people know as brining it to reality. It’s what I like to call, subconscious Deja-“vu”, you may have dreamed it before or thought of it unaware to the fact that it would occur. Unless you naturally know exactly what it is you are doing. Being a person that really is on the move a lot in the past years, from job searching, to picking up and dropping my kid off at school, going to a friends house to communicate intellectually through music or conversation, analyzing life for what it is, and preparing myself for my own business. This is all also done without the usage of my own car, depending on buses, walking long distances, you name it I might have had it as a challenge in life. Running for buses, to needing to be home and missing a bus resulting in me walking. There are wins and there are loses, the important part about this is to always win, no matter the outcome, you learn something by the end of the day to use. The obstacle is to define it with ever part of your brain, and remember this is still real life, be realistic about it. As you define these wins and situation that can result in losing, remember to put into thought what insight you have gained from this. And when I say insight I mean what wisdom, what knowledge, what ideas now have your brain wanting to make it reality? This is where millionaires make money and how they are able to get into that mindset to make six figures. When I became noticeable of how I could always win, I started to collect. Timing is money and the factor to everything in life of what we know as being humans, and slaves to our culture. Yes, that’s a right slave, to our culture, we are all apart of the same culture and that culture is called money. It’s one of the simplest and easiest cultures alive and forever living This is what has become of myself being itinerant, and taking attention to detail, being sensitive to what the close mind or eye fails to see. Or what even some would say is stupid withholding business efforts. Most people are scared to do anything in life reason is because they don’t believe in anything they can do they. They see it as that it’s going to fail and don’t understand that when it fails that means you succeeded. As much as you may fail to believe this it’s entirely true. Einstein didn’t succeed at everything although he succeeded at failing in order to win the goal that he wanted to properly achieve. It’s what is called an operation or being business like. People will waste 99% of their time worrying, concerned, and focus on what you are doing. Either because they are jealous, or feel as though you’re wrong for doing it, or that they have a better method of approaching your topic issue. In order to make money it is business as usual. The difference from being a person and being a businessperson is this simple and plain, money. Everyone wants to make money although refuse to take the steps to becoming a businessperson, which results in joining the culture, wearing the uniform. In the military they wear uniforms to define themselves as one and at unity as family anywhere they go, to help service and remain to that service. Business suits are mainly worn to define this factor of a person’s status in life. Which usually results in being in the higher class or the upper middle class. Without these and depending on how you dress nobody knows who you are exactly, unless it’s clear to see and to define. Getting far off topic although taking you through a little connectionism I bring you back to the world that I live in. With the world now having Wi-Fi nowadays that, it keeps life cool for us. Especially for the fact that iPhone’s are and have become more if not as popular as light. (Apple Products) This puts us in such a viral world that was dominated by the Internet without us being able to be self-focused. We rush to use the Internet! In all hidden identify that is now what are weeks and days consist of, and always did, media. How we connect to it, how we use it, and now how we make money on it. So what I did for several months in my start was plan by the day. Because I was moving around so much instead of keeping myself still in one place, that I was cheating myself of time, although gaining a brand new experience of being uncomfortable and having to adapt. I had to remain discipline to my actions and play responsibility as life. So now knowing this I work, as I always did. Just in a bit of a higher state of mind to continue to know my capabilities and myself of what I’m made of, inside and out. There are no reasons for excuses when you can make choices; it's all about finding these choices to make and letting them settle for yourself with life. This type of schedule has managed to bring me to a GPA that isn't the best, isn't the worse, but at the same time not unsatisfying knowing all the footsteps and travels I made during those times. It shows me that yes this can be successful, yes this can be the new way of life as thought of once before, and it is to those that follow it. It's all about your connections! I'm going to express this in this best way possible, who you know brings you around what you need, because this means what you attract from this person they are a custom to it and you want to do the same or learn more of it or use it stronger. Connections with others as yourself bring life to reality for you. Why it has worked for me is because I’ve seen some of the greatest ways of success all through bad timing, good judgment, self made decisions, and knowing your inner self of what your capable of doing. I recommend it to others and as I’m going to do continuing, while stabling myself, making my time is much more of a perfect ending. You must have patience, wisdom and for Christ sakes just do it, once you have a thought do not let it go and wait until the next day or the next hour JUST DO IT the moment it pops into your brain! Catch your window before it closes, control your thoughts and make your thought, reality! Work as you itinerate and master your time anywhere you are at and have time, it’s yours and there for a reason, use it. You know have all the options to do this, live it. The keyword’s to remember through this all is wellness and stay POSITIVE!

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