Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The College Network Genius- Paris White

Here is a essay that is a 2nd rough copy draft for my English Class

The College Network Proposal
Ok, so let’s face the facts, college students have several opportunities to make money while attending college. I mean what student wouldn’t love to pay off their loans while attending college? No need to answer just pay attention. To me college is all about the course being studied, networking, meeting potential business partners/friends, expanding & expressing on your ideas, seeking opportunities and seizing them for your own professional advantage. Maybe that’s just my ideal or delay gratification outlook on college, but anything is possible in my eyes. When I was attending the Art Institute of Pittsburgh I had this idea and the school remained nonchalant to my ideas, for they felt I wanted particular special privileges. When really in my eyes, every student deserves to have particular special privileges; to get them to the level that they need and want to be at. Mainly because it’s an entertainment school and has everything there that’s in entertainment, needed is what gave me the idea. And this was what I thought of doing before enrolling into the school. My idea upon attending this higher education university was, (Art Institute of Pittsburgh) “why not have networks that a student can work in, and make money from”? My focus is on the art of learning how to make money while in college. I’m still creating this factor for myself.

Along with being apart of this network you brand yourself, and your own ideas. Get assigned to a section of the network where you are teamed with individuals that have the same mentalities, talents, and skills; or they can even be different which tends to work with graceful cooperation. In these teams it’s mandatory to use your talents, skills, and time organization to meet and complete a task everyday. You have to make ideas that are commercial. Which will expand the team’s knowledge on proper debates of criticism, giving students the outlook that they need for the professional world and helping them build confidence.  The reason for this network is to profit, to pay off tuition, become a professional and have a secure business/income after graduation. And of course, have money while you’re an undergrad. This helps with your path of enlightenment. I mean I can’t remember the countless times I ran out of cash for things I needed and had to wait for, depend on someone for, or just hope to God my friend will help me out, even family. It could be from food, to clothes, needed house accessories, school items, bus fair, something I wanted or even equipment/software to get myself more in depth with my studies on my personal time. And this is something that I’m sure other college students can say is relevant to them. To get you back on track here.
The purpose of this is to get students to become professionals, period. Many college students go into college and just party their educations away, come out and can’t get a job or just are in debt forever. Why not make your own job and, be able to be an entrepreneur? Why not work with individuals you attended college with and already know on a personal level? Why not obtain the option that you want in life and make it reality? Remember these two words “ why not “ just in that exact order. These two words changed my life and outlook on it. It can get you through any challenge in life; it has worked for me several times and made a much stronger person, personal & business wise. It fights fear off the first second that it appears in your mind and makes you conquer it. Little story, I had an entrepreneur break down those two words to me of what they really meant. And I mean he was in a suit and tie etc. I was in regular urban clothes. He looked at me when I told him that someone told me I couldn’t do something and replied “why not”?  What had shocked me was that I knew the idea could work and I’m sure this guy was a millionaire or had big bucks and he was agreeing with me. Sure he could have been just making me feel better about myself. Although he was letting me discretely know that, yes your going to fail at things and your also going to succeed, do both! My point is that even if he believed it could work, I knew it could work, that person that discouraged the fact it could work, their opinion didn’t matter. I was just an average kid to him at the time possibly that just wasn’t scared to meet strangers, which probably gave him the reason he said what he said. Since then I been using it to over-come, my professional fears. And it’s been slowly blessing me because I’m patiently blessing myself with the help of God, family, friends and society.

Now you do have your percentage of individuals that come into college & want to start with their career immediately, only problem is that they feel they need confidence. Why? Because they haven’t learned everything of course and when they do start to learn they are unsure of how well they can do what they can do. They are in fear of messing up and not having the proper skills. I’ve heard from countless students that just didn’t feel like they were learning anything at AIP while I attended, even I felt the same way. My thing was once you already signed up to a commitment to something you obviously have a passion for and are dedicating your life, and future money to it as well. I believe that’s all the confidence you need. You got confidence! Most people don’t even take the chance to go to college! They rather do nothing with their life or just don’t have the confidence, to go to college! I’m not putting them down because the ones that do not have the confidence to go to college or university usually work a job they like for their rest of their lives, which is better than doing nothing!  I had a fellow student that attended AIP and also stays close by to me express his confidence level to me and it made me wonder. Why did he feel as though he wasn’t confident enough to perform his actions of studies? Was he not ready, because he wasn’t learning or not getting what was being taught? Or would he have felt more comfortable with more hands on projects that consumed his time to make him know he is ready? Thoughts like this popped into my head and helped build on my idea. It also made me think and want to investigate more about this.
Investigating did start to get conducted by me and two other individuals. They were over thirty students that I daily condoned time with! We were starting our own business, because I knew we had something special about all three of us that together, it could be a major success. We argued about several things. Well I stayed humble and silent most of the time being the overseer. I refrain from debating about matters that were nonchalant until an interest came to mind about the whole situation. From personal matters to business matters it was always something, something that helped me build as awesome businessperson. These two were getting me ready for something huge that I could do because they seen the potential in my drive and me were unstoppable. I was pure passion. Together it was a force that we galaxy created. Plus they knew eventually I would just make a movie from it all and they could be my two main characters. Point is that I gained to love these two people because they stayed golden to themselves unlike others I seen at the school. They didn’t care, they were older and wanted what they deserved. So we were getting tired of getting treated wrong at this school and wanted to see how other students felt. Yes, we started conducting interviews on footage to later project. Unfortunately this is when the school started working against us. I got the cops called on me about a cell phone in class, which made me withdraw. Yes the actual city police officers. A week or so later the guy that was in the film program with me got removed by technology! Like come on seriously? Who get’s removed by technology? Well it just so happens he was editing the footage, technology seen it and worked to stop him at it. Which resulted in him getting banned from the school. And it left the third partner in their by herself to finish her studies. Little to say God works in mysterious ways. The month after I left, an $11 Billion dollar fraud case was brought up against the school for embezzling money for their own personal uses. At least give back to your students in a much better way. Apparently two staff members had been investigating them since 2008. Now and I don’t know but we might have set the bomb off there for those two to say hey, enough is enough.
Now this proposal will need a lot of strategic attention and must be taken seriously if able to be conducted to create a change in the growth of students enrolling into higher education schools and becoming entrepreneurs. It may even motivate those individuals that choose not to go to college because they feel they won’t be able to complete the courses, to come attend. This is something you want to compare to the military. One because it’s for your needs and benefits, two you never know where it can take you professionally in life, three it can reform a lot of ways that people think, four the service for it comes first. I really am proposing this type of operation to get students that start to lose their drive of creativity, for whatever purposes to keep them going. Students that feel they need more confidence. Give students a way for income. Form more cooperation in being business savvy amongst your peers. And get entry-level students to understand what it truly means to be a professional! I’ve encountered several students that want the same exact thing, somebody or a team to work with while in college so that they can make money. I always get the same responses: that individuals seemed serious at first then they fade off, or there a few members or one member that doesn’t put their infinite percent into the group as needed, things of that nature. I’ve actually experienced this numerous times so I know how it is. Which is terribly sad, I mean if your going to quit at going for your goals that you want with a team, which makes things easier, you might just quit at everything in you’re life.
In conclusion to this proposal thus far here are a few things I suggest that are needed. There has to be a schedule to be first conducted that way everyday, everybody, on the team, knows his or her priorities for the week, every week. Now, this takes much needed time to conduct and organize. Time will make it easier day by day.  Make business contracts, assign a leader, set schedule times, motivate each other by doing personal creativity, push yourself, workout and talk with your team members, really become a family between learning each other, make sure that brainstorming is done first to get everybody’s ideas on the table. I believe this will also bring the world’s economy up for the same reason that everyone has an idea or talent that they want to present and make money from. Some don’t expect anything from it and are just naturally gifted to do those talents. It can even go as far as getting a world list of people that want help with their ideas, showing them how they can get their idea off the ground. I guess it would be similar to that show “Shark Tank” with the difference; we are investing time into their idea and knowledge that we gained to get their business running, not funding money. I want to as currently planning to start a website for ideas and team collaborating. Last but not least enforce professional classes and things to do on your spare time to keep productive. Nonchalant classes that is purposely boring to give students the knowledge on how to keep interesting. In this class you just write down ideas that interest you while in the class and then later share them with the class and instructor. In order to keep their minds flowing with interesting things to do. This is a project that can start in colleges and eventually expand to lower education schools, getting them ready for the digital and business world. Or as said making them professionals, in & outside of the class, after learning. I really hope that this can motivate students worldwide, starting here at Full Sail it would be a huge worldly help out, at least I think. The good thing about it is that it is already starting here at Full Sail with our brand new Connect site that we have, which is forever awesome!

 “In the world earth, we are already golden in it. It may never look like that from the surface, that’s because it starts within the mind”- Paris White