Monday, June 18, 2012

So this is just a quick thought 
from an assignment I just turned in
we had to pick a pioneer to do, research 
 On I chose Mark Zuckerberg, I guess because I use Facebook everyday.
I read an article called "Education on Mark Zuckerberg" and "How You Like Me Now" 

Ok first main thought after reading this article is that it’s not completely bogus but it has somewhat deception to it. It’s allowing it to say how shocked he was without explaining it, as if he naturally knew what he was doing. So he made a complete image that he could take for granted, his own character. He made it a business when intentionally it was and still is a free business to anybody. Well, not quite technically, he first started with his college, and then shared it amongst other colleges. Now this character is in the process of making history for his fast smarts of his social network. Controlling the network by data, within an inch of a second, which seemed to be his goal and what he is accomplishing. He created a permanent spot in people’s mind and sense of memory. This website that anybody could use and have when it comes to a person or a business was rapidly in want. So yes he was shocked to see his face on the cover of the paper but why, is it because he had no idea what was going on? Or maybe he knew what could happen although he just didn’t expect it to happen and occur so soon and in the way it did.

There are people that know about Facebook and don’t even use Facebook or own an account. It does seem unrealistic but look at it like this in a different perspective. There is a crowd in the world that already knows that they don’t want to be visually seen worldwide on a virtual level. As well as you have to look at the age group; they might just not be old enough to know how to make an account, because they haven’t learned how yet. Either way the choice is because of their decision and choice of lifestyle, they can put it in their lifestyle or choose not to. You can even say that one has properly analyzed it and could be a great benefit later to the company. Reason for that is just for the main reason they’ve seen how it has taken a toll on society and people, they could have the smarts to difference it.

As far as what I’m trying to say is that, Mark he defined what it means to own a network and the network. He had to be giving competition a run for their money all because his service was free. It was more than just a site for forums, more than a blog site, more than your intellectual version of MySpace. What he created was one of the savviest ways of cyber, personal, and business interactions of a lifetime? Generations to come are able to interact with each other live, mentally! Although who would be rather nonchalant when it comes to sharing their ideas, in worries of it getting stolen or used. Facebook, used properly is another source of income for anyone, willing to dedicate the time into understanding what is needed. Until then there was only a few requirements when it comes to using Facebook. First you make sure you have Internet access of some sort whether it be on a smart phone, cell phone, modem usage or Wi-Fi and you sign up. Next after doing those two major steps connecting and contacting someone is now multi-universal to you.

In a short conclusion he played it smart, he showed his intelligence and made it know he could do more than he has done. He had an idea and he decided to run with it and bear the consequences.

            Upon reading the “How Ya Like Me Now” article on Mark Zuckerberg it showed me that he gave an image of himself, to use against himself. Mark was more into contributing his time and energy into the reason and facts of building his fast pace company.  He knew that sooner or later he would be in history as having the best company ever. What he strived on is the pride of  how well his idea could be beneficial without letting anybody fully know what his goal was. He made a network for networks, and about 75% open minded to certain things. He would have random talks that veered away from the company so it seemed. What I believe that Zuckerberg was doing was showing that they had a fast pace moving company and nothing other than services will be set in grave. Ideas and reactions is what he was looking for and what he wanted to create. These outspoken away from the topic discussions made an idea because it threw his staff off course to yet think on their feet. iChat / Manta: SevenStarGV / Seven Star GV/Full Sail University Digital Cinematography Online Student /

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Friday, June 15, 2012

A Life So Exciting

Do you find yourself on an island in your room ? What about your mind? Do you know how to get to heaven from a simple process and progress of thinking? Well, I can't tell you fully how to but I can tell you the few tips that help this to happen. First you ha,which is laugh in order to be happy ( my suggestion Kevin Hart is hilarious) , meaning in a very good mood and it could be coming from any emotion but you just have to be happy. Second you have to listen to your mind and let it be your friend because it's your mind nobody else. Third you have to make way for your mind to be free and collecting. Fourth you have to and this is a very important step be able to separate difference from what you want and don't want. Fifth is the last and final step, let yourself be free minded, let the thoughts in your mind take over and become one with your soul this way when you return you are in a better and more defined you.

Take Care,

Paris White ; iChat / /